Sterling Notebook: Bawal Basahin!

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28 thoughts on “Sterling Notebook: Bawal Basahin!

  1. lveyjm says:

    rene, your feelings are valid. but i don’t think they had it easy. or at least si karina. you might went through the worst, but that doesn’t mean she had it easy. she suffered too. its just that she had it easier than your situation.

    still, both of you are victims sa gulo ng parents niyo. sana maging okay kayong dalawa 🙁

    1. lveyjm says:

      help wala palang edit button huhu add ko na lang dito kasi sobrang opinionated akong tao sorry po 😣

      let this be a reminder to everyone that you shouldn’t invalidate someone’s feelings just because we think we’re having it worse. every feelings is valid po, and magkakaiba tayo ng level of sensitivity and take sa mga bagay bagay. k thnx bye

  2. winterbunot says:

    irene 🙁

  3. hresh says:

    it’s interesting to see Irene’s take on the situation. it’s obvious naman na that it hurt her deeply, and in a way that’s different from how it hurt Karina.

    It’s just crazy to think na both were hurt despite being on opposite sides, i guess you could say that they’re basically two sides of the same coin.

    Both of them hurt, but the hurt isn’t the same. Karina is hurt by the fact that the family she thought of so fondly ended up being different beneath the surface, and Irene is hurt by the betrayal her father did, and the things he continues to do.

    They have the same cause, but the effects on the two are somewhat different… I kinda hope to see them interact again…

  4. minjeong0412 says:

    Irene 🥺

  5. winwin says:

    your feelings are valid Irene☹️

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